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Judge Thrashes DOJ for Ignoring House Subpoenas Even as Peter Navarro Sits in Prison for Doing Just That

U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes laid into Department of Justice lawyers Friday for telling DOJ Tax Division attorneys to ignore congressional subpoenas even as prosecutors sent former Trump aide Peter Navarro to prison for doing just that.

Politico reports that she was appalled by the blatant hypocrisy:

She certainly looks annoyed in this picture:

The House Judiciary Committee sued in March to enforce its subpoena of DOJ attorneys Mark Daly and Jack Morgan, requiring them to testify in the committee’s investigation of Hunter Biden’s possible tax crimes. The Justice Department argues that forcing them to take questions would violate the separation of powers.

Reyes, a Biden appointee, demanded to know why the Justice Department thinks some people must show up for congressional subpoenas but others can simply ignore them:

She grew more agitated when DOJ lawyers seemed unwilling to even agree to a compromise:

She didn’t spare the House lawyers, however, indicating that she wasn’t buying their position on attorney-client privilege:

She ended the theatrical hearing by ordering the DOJ to find a workable deal. 

The DOJ’s position on this matter once again shows their blatant two-tiered view of justice—Peter Navarro sits in a Miami prison cell for defying a subpoena, but Hunter Biden is walking around a free man and enjoying the White House Easter Egg roll despite blowing off his own order to appear. Meanwhile, the Department is counseling its own lawyers to defy the House. 

Politico called the judge’s takedown of the DOJ a “remarkable, frenetic thrashing,” and I for one hope they get plenty more of that as more and more people wake up to how profoundly they’ve politicized and weaponized the department.

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