Townhall Media

HOT TAKES: Paul Krugman’s Latest Gaslighting on Grocery Prices Gets Ratioed Into Next Week With Reality

There are certain principles in life. 

The sun is likely to come up in the morning. 

The government is always going to be trying to take your money. 

And Paul Krugman is going to be wrong — again.

Now, it is hard to judge which pundit has the greatest gift in this regard: Jim Cramer, Paul Krugman, or Jennifer Rubin. They’re all so good at being mistaken.

I have to give Krugman some extra gaslighting points for his effort to try to redeem the mess of Bidenomics. That’s going the extra mile to debase yourself. 

Back in October, Krugman even proclaimed that we’d “won” over inflation — well, that’s if you discounted everything that matters, like food, energy, and shelter. How can you take such a person seriously? 

READ MOREHOT TAKES: Paul Krugman Declares Victory Over Inflation and the Hilarious Response Is What We Need

Now, he’s trying to convince the American people that they aren’t paying more for the groceries like they know they are. He just went into overdrive with the gaslighting. 

“Amazing how much mail and comments I get insisting that grocery prices have doubled and are still soaring. They haven’t and they aren’t,” Krugman claimed. 

Is he trying to contest the term “doubled,” while ignoring the rise in the very graph that he presents? Even in the graph he presents it’s soared a lot since January 2021, and although the increase is less than it had been, it’s still going up. 

But check this thread from @MorlockP as he explains why even this graph is a bit deceptive and doesn’t tell you the real picture. 

If the thread is too long for you, this simplifies it. 

Unlike pro-regime economists, most people operate on a budget. If there’s anything that Americans know, it’s how much their groceries are costing them. It’s one of the main reasons Joe Biden is doing so badly in the polls and former President Donald Trump is doing so well — people can remember how things were better under Trump and know how much more they have had to pay under Joe Biden. 

They weren’t shy about letting Krugman know what they thought about his gaslighting. 

The one reassuring fact in all this? 

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