
Who Will Gavin Newsom Choose to Replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein?

Despite the fact that Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s death announcement is mere hours old, you know the halls of Sacramento are abuzz with who California Governor Gavin Newsom will choose to replace her in the Senate. When the Democrat Mafia were attempting to send Feinstein into an early retirement in 2023, heavy speculation and promotion on her replacement was given to Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland).

During the 2021 Recall election, Newsom painted himself into a corner by declaring he would appoint a Black woman when Feinstein retired. Then, when Newsom was called on it and asked how this would affect the campaigns of Democrat congresspersons Adam Schiff and Katie Porter, who are clawing for the seat in 2024, Newsom made noises that it would be an “interim” appointment. Somehow Lee took umbrage over this, because she did not want to be seen as a token, writing in a Sept. 10 statement:

I am troubled by the Governor’s remarks. The idea that a Black woman should be appointed only as a caretaker to simply check a box is insulting to countless Black women across this country who have carried the Democratic Party to victory election after election. 

There are currently no Black women serving in the Senate. Since 1789, there have only been two Black woman Senators, who have served a total of 10 years. 

The perspective of Black women in the U.S. Senate is sorely needed — and needed for more than a few months. Governor Newsom knows this, which is why he made the pledge in the first place. 

If the Governor intends to keep his promise and appoint a Black woman to the Senate, the people of California deserve the best possible person for that job. Not a token appointment. 

Black women deserve more than a participation trophy. We need a seat at the table.

But by Newsom appointing Lee because she’s a Black woman, she is essentially a token. It’s all nonsense at this point. In the Democrat intersectionality game, “Mo’ melanin and Mo’ gender” are the watchwords, and there’s currently no one else who could fill that slot. The only one that could take Lee down is a Black transgender woman with two heads, and as far as we know, there’s not one in existence. But, give it time.

We also have Assemblywoman Mia Bonta (D-Alameda) salivating over the prospect of taking over Lee’s congressional seat should she ascend to the Senate.

The retirement of Sen. Dianne Feinstein has put three congressional seats in play. West Hollywood District 30 Rep. Adam Schiff and Orange County Coast District 47 Rep. Katie Porter have already declared their candidacies. Oakland District 12 Rep. Barbara Lee is also alleged to make a run for the seat, leaving her congressional chair open for Bonta to fill.

Feinstein’s untimely passing has put this all into play, probably before the puppet masters wanted. After all, Newsom is making his presidential moves, and any appointment will be done from the lens of his desired ascendency to the highest office. So, if there wasn’t a plan already in place, there’s lots of scrambling and the California constituency are already submitting their requests.

And lest we forget, Republicans are also hoping to take advantage of all the chaos to gain an edge for 2024.

Despite his current dilemma, Newsom managed to present Feinstein with a glowing tribute. As the first, and longest-serving female Senator, that was well deserved. The sad reality is that instead of Feinstein being able to go gently into that good night with dignity and respect, she was dragged out in embarrassing fashion and used to prop up the Democrat Party and its agenda.

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