Janet Van Ham/HBO via AP

Bill Maher Roasts Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan for ‘Supporting Jew Hating’ Protesters

President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness initiative isn’t going over well with many Americans, including comedian Bill Maher, who railed against the program on his newest “Real Time with Bill Maher” broadcast. Maher blasted the program and highlighted how it hasn’t done anything to help the president in the polls.

Maher’s comments come amid widespread pro-Hamas protests being staged on college campuses.

The president’s loan forgiveness initiative comes with a hefty price tag that will be taken care of by the generosity of the American taxpayer.

The debt forgiveness program was announced in April:

Maher’s panel guests, former Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway and Bloomberg National Correspondent Joshua Green, also said the plan won’t help Biden’s chances of winning reelection. Conway asserted that the White House “can’t have plumbers and pipe fitters paying for the student loans of doctors and lawyers” because “it’s not fair.”

Green noted that among the issues prioritized by American voters, “Gaza is like 15th out of 16, and the only thing that comes in lower than Gaza is student loan forgiveness.”

He also observed that the program “hasn’t worked as a motivator for the youth vote, half of which are out there chanting ‘Genocide Joe.’”

The panel discussed how the program looks to the American public against the backdrop of the pro-Hamas protests on college campuses. Green pointed out that “if you turn on your TV today, you see young people protesting, angry, fighting with cops.”

Others have speculated that the nationwide protests are working against Biden’s campaign while helping former President Donald Trump, who has capitalized on the antisemitic demonstrations to attack his opponent.

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