AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Just How Many Pro-Hamas Officials Are in Biden’s State Department Anyway?

I suppose if there is a good thing to come out of the Biden administration’s mishandling of the Israel-Gaza conflict, it’s the fact that so many terrorist sympathizers are exposing themselves and quitting the federal bureaucracy. We’ve seen several reports of officials quitting over the course of the conflict, and now we’ve got another one. Let the purge continue!

After the White House concluded that Israel was not restricting aid to Israel, Stacy Gilbert, who served in the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (given the administration’s record there, maybe she should have been fired long before now, but I digress) resigned her post.

Gilbert sent an email to staff Tuesday explaining her view that the State Department was wrong to conclude that Israel had not obstructed humanitarian assistance to Gaza, officials who read the letter said.
The cause for resignation is unusual in that it speaks to internal dissent over a hotly disputed report that the Biden administration relied on to justify continuing to send billions of dollars of weapons to Israel.
Gilbert, through an associate, did not respond to a request for comment.
When asked about her resignation, a State Department spokesman said that “we have made clear we welcome diverse points of view and believe it makes us stronger.”

Well, good for her for standing up for her beliefs and subsequently removing those beliefs from the federal government.

Sure, her viewpoints are shared “bythe vast majority of aid and humanitarian organizations,” as the Washington Post notes. But those aid organizations (and the Post itself, it seems) are Hamas sympathizers and decidedly anti-Israel. They would love for us to believe that the Israeli government is restricting humanitarian aid to Gazans, but they make that claim while ignoring the fact that Hamas routinely intercepts that aid for itself and leverages its civilians as human shields. 

READ MORE: Much of US Aid Meant for Gaza Being Stolen – Is Anyone Really Shocked?

You can’t send aid to civilians if the aid is constantly being hijacked or destroyed. You also can’t take the word of foreign aid organizations who have actively been cheering on and aiding Hamas.

The war crimes being committed are not Israel’s.

I, like the State Department, am all for a diversity of viewpoints within our government. Discussion and even arguments make us stronger in our convictions and lead to compromises that benefits everyone. But, where I and the State Department disagree is the belief that repeating a terror organization’s propaganda and actively condemning our closest ally in the Middle East isn’t “diverse points of view.” It’s actively supporting the enemy. It shouldn’t be happening.

The people who have quit the State Department aren’t protesting some evil being conducted by our government. They are arguing that an enemy of the United States deserves to be supported and our ally wiped off the map. Those are views that should not be in our government at any level, but the rot within the federal bureaucracy has been allowed to fester for decades. The result is that people like Gilbert become entrenched and entitled and think their resignation means anything other than something we should celebrate.

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