AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

John Kirby Shows Himself to Be As Much of a Lying, Shameless Hack As Karine Jean-Pierre

There was a time when one could expect some semblance of moral clarity from John Kirby. It was never much, but in the early days after October 7th, the shadow White House press secretary seemed to chart his own path behind the podium. While Karine Jean-Pierre equivocated, he spoke directly about the horrors of Hamas and the need to defeat the terrorist government of Gaza. 

In late 2023, while mainstream press outlets were busy trying to blame Israel for the lack of a ceasefire, Kirby didn’t mince words.

READ: Israel-Hamas Talks Fell Apart Because of Hamas, Eight Americans Still Being Held

Slowly but surely, though, he has been brought to heel, and whether it was by choice or not, at some point, doing “what you’re told” is no longer an excuse. Indisputable proof of that transition came on Friday when Kirby gave this head-spinning answer about Joe Biden withholding already-appropriated aid for Israel. 

SEE: Joe Biden Just Committed an Impeachable Offense, and Donald Trump Might Have Something to Say About It

I’ve got some news. I am not withholding my taxes from the IRS. I have just decided to place a pause on paying them, and that pause is still in place. Surely, the Biden administration will understand and take no action against me given this incredible new standard that has been set.

What do you even say to the stupidity that came out of Kirby’s mouth? It’s as shamelessly dishonest as Bill Clinton trying to redefine what the word “is” means but far more consequential given the issue at hand. When you stop giving someone something that they are due (Congress appropriated the aid to Israel), that is the literal definition of “withholding” it. Never mind that the president has publicly announced his intention to do so during a recent interview. 

Kirby had a choice. When he was essentially promoted to co-press secretary because Jean-Pierre had proven to be such a disaster at her job, he could have brought some levity to the comms office. He could have provided some facade of honesty for an already befuddled White House. Instead, he decided to become a company man, mimicking the worst tendencies of Jean-Pierre. “We aren’t withholding aid, we are just pausing it” is the kind of lie someone tells when they aren’t even trying anymore. 

Whether Kirby has some sense of right and wrong buried underneath the surface is no longer relevant. He should have quit in protest months ago if he did. He is now part of the machine and as culpable as anyone. 

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