AP Photo/Elise Amendola

Hu Knows: Swalwell Bundler Fang Fang Breaks Cover, Reveals FBI Offered Her $1 Million

The Chinese operative, who was Rep. Eric Swalwell’s (D-CA) personal companion and staffer, broke cover in an X-post of her sitting with a Global Times reporter nearly 10 years after her abrupt exit from the United States—shortly after the FBI warned Swalwell she was a foreign agent.

I had lunch with this lady today. Her name is Fang Fang, and U.S. media called her a ‘suspected Chinese spy,’ wrote Hu XiJin, along with the operative who became an omnipresent force in San Francisco Bay Democratic politics—with significant dalliances in the Midwest.

Hu wrote that Fang Fang, who presented herself in the U.S. as “Christine Fang,” was the victim of the American media and that federal national security personnel unsuccessfully recruited her.

It started off innocently enough, he said. 

“She went to U.S. with dreams, but in the end, her dreams were shattered. It was the U.S. that shamelessly betrayed this exceptional girl’s dream for it,” the Global Times reporter said. Global Times is a media outlet of the Chinese Communist Party.

“In 2009, she went to study in U.S. and did a lot of work to promote personnel exchanges between China & U.S. in those years,” he said. 

“In 2015, the CIA & FBI approached her, asked her to ‘cooperate,’” he said. “The FBI used coercion & inducement, offering to give her U.S. citizenship and $1 million, requiring her to work for them or else they would ‘ruin her.’”

The accepted narrative, first published in Axios, was that the FBI gave Swalwell a defensive briefing, which is a courtesy presentation where the FBI tells an American citizen that their relationship with a foreigner has come to their attention. It is a courtesy not afforded to candidate Donald J. Trump and his associates because their reported interactions with the Russians were a hoax.

Returning to the public narrative, after the defensive briefing, the congressman dropped all contact with Fang Fang, and she left the country in June 2015, blowing off an event in Washington she was expected to attend. 

The congressman told Politico he was the victim of a Trump administration op.

Hu reports that virtually simultaneous to the congressman’s defensive briefing, Fang Fang had her own showdown” with the FBI.

“Three days after the FBI had a showdown with her, she fled U.S. alone and returned to China, her motherland,” Hu said. “She told me: ‘I just don’t want to betray my motherland. I don’t want to be an American spy. That’s my bottom line as a person.’”

It is interesting that Fang Fang has finally broke cover so long after her American dream ended. 

In November, CNN reporter John LeFever told viewers Fang Fang was killed in an airplane crash—a report Fang Fang reposted on her X account.


When Republicans took control of the House in January 2023, Speaker Kevin O. McCarthy (R-CA) threw Swalwell off the House Intelligence Committee, as reported by RedState colleague Nick Arama in this piece: “Get the Crying Towels Out: Swalwell, Schiff and Omar Hold Presser to Whine More.”

Swalwell did not lose all his committee assignments. He sits on the Homeland Security and Judiciary committees, and he took the lead in attacking former special counsel Robert Hur when he testified about his decision not to prosecute President Joseph R. Biden Jr. for his handling of classified documents.


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  1. So what’s the final outcome? Was Swalwell compromised or not and is the FBI going to be investigated? It seems to me that there is some collusion and corruption in all of this and all those concerned. It very much appears that our government entities are infested with subversives.

  2. This is one more confirmation that our so called FBI Communist is working with CCP to destroy America,i.e.against the people that pay his salary and fringe benefits galore

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