AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

Hunter Biden Joins the Fight Against Trump With Hilariously Sociopathic Proclamation

I’m not going to pretend that Hunter Biden carried some kind of credibility before these latest comments, but seeing a sociopath in his element is still a sight to behold. 

The president’s degenerate son is currently under federal indictment (again) after his sweetheart deal was exposed and blown up to such an extent that AG Merrick Garland was forced to appoint a special counsel. That’s just a small part of his story, though.

If you’ve followed politics for any period, you are no doubt aware of Hunter Biden’s abusive escapades with drugs and women. From filming himself weighing crack to being accused of paying a Russian escort ring, calling him “troubled” would be far too mundane. 

Yet, instead of owning his faults and thanking his lucky stars his father is a high-level politician, something that has absolutely kept him out of jail to this point, Hunter Biden has decided to do what sociopaths do. Namely, pretend their unapologetic approach to their vices is a basis for heroism. You see, according to the president’s son, he’s actually protecting democracy from Donald Trump. 

No, I’m not kidding. 

Why it matters: Hunter Biden knows this. He told Axios in a rare interview that he sees his continued sobriety as crucial not only to his life — but also to ensuring Donald Trump doesn’t return to the Oval Office.
“Most importantly, you have to believe that you’re worth the work, or you’ll never be able to get sober. But I often do think of the profound consequences of failure here,” Hunter said.
He added that in this case, “I have something much bigger than even myself at stake. We are in the middle of a fight for the future of democracy.”

What you just read is one of the worst examples of malignant narcissism to ever exist in the political realm. This is a man who has been credibly accused of sex-trafficking women and who pimped himself out to the Chinese communists now believing that his “sobriety” is one of the keys to saving American democracy. He has seamlessly moved from showing remorse for the pain and suffering he’s caused people to elevating himself to the level of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. 

According to Hunter Biden, the Republic hinges on his ability to not end up back on the snow. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s too absurd. 

That’s expected, though, right? What shouldn’t be expected is Axios publishing this absolute nonsense with a straight face. The rest of the article goes on to paint Hunter Biden as a model for other addicts. That’s how much the mainstream press hates conservatives. They’ll prop up and promote the worst people imaginable if it means getting to take a shot at a Republican. 

Frankly, Hunter Biden should probably spend more time worrying about the prison time he’s facing and less time trying to play “protector of democracy.” Still, his hilariously sociopathic proclamations prove just how insane the far left has become. These are people who truly believe they are justified in everything they do as long as it means keeping Republicans out of power and saving America from the horrors of better border policy and lower grocery prices.

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