Doug Mills/The New York Times via AP, Pool

WATCH: Blinken’s Remarks About Fed Walkout Against Admin Over Israel Are Unbelievable

Members of the Biden administration from at least 22 agencies were supposed to walk out on Tuesday to protest the administration’s position on Israel and the Israel-Hamas war. 

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) said on X that anyone who walked out should be fired. 

Any government worker who walks off the job to protest U.S. support for our ally Israel is ignoring their responsibility and abusing the trust of taxpayers. They deserve to be fired.Oversight Chairman Comer and I will be working together to ensure that each federal agency initiates appropriate disciplinary proceedings against any person who walks out on their job.

The workers who termed themselves “Feds United for Peace” were planning a “Day of Mourning.”

But if you’re looking for the video of them walking out, protesting, or saying something, you won’t find it. 

If you want to know what cowardly characters these folks are, their “walkout” was just supposed to involve them staying home anonymously on Tuesday.

To participate, the group Feds United for Peace asked workers to “stay home from work” to mark the day. They also asked participants to anonymously complete a pledge of participation.

What bravery. Who would even notice they’re gone? 

But it turns out there was a storm, and a lot of the federal workers were told to stay home because of that. So, again, who would notice? Feds United for Peace claimed, “Many employees eligible for telework still participated in the Day of Mourning.” Yeah, I believe that — because you tell me so. Not. Is a protest still a protest if you can’t hear it when it falls in the forest? 

Also, as some pointed out, a strike of federal employees is against the law, so the Feds United for Peace were backing off the “walkout” terminology a bit.

But whether anything even happened with this protest, one thing was confirmed by this action (or lack of action): how feckless the Biden administration is in dealing with their own people. When Sec. of State Antony Blinken was asked about this walkout and whether they should be fired, he said he wanted people to be comfortable to say what they want. 

But the State Department, perhaps more than some of the other agencies, is supposed to be the standard bearer of the policy of the United States, not personal policies or what most might benefit Hamas terrorists. If someone takes a position that is the antithesis of the U.S. position, how might they carry out their job, and would they be trustworthy? Not to mention that we, the taxpayers, shouldn’t have to pay for the time they take off for their ineffective temper tantrum. 

That doesn’t seem to concern Blinken very much. He’s cool with them expressing themselves. Notice he never answered the question of whether or not they should be fired. Which I guess is an answer of a sort. 

But these are the ridiculous “adults in charge” now. 

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