AP Photo/Ariel Schalit

IDF Takes Out Hamas Leader Who Participated in Oct. 7 Terror Massacres

The Israel Defense Forces announced Monday that they had eliminated the Nukhba Company Commander of Deir al-Balah, Adil Mismah, a terrorist leader who took part in the unprovoked Hamas attacks on October 7 against Israel, which killed at least 1,200.

The IDF said Mismah was taken out by an Israeli Air Force strike which was led by troops on the ground. Mismah had reportedly directed devastating attacks against Kibbutz Kissufim, Nirim, and Be’eri. 

The post continued, describing how they had also wiped out a terrorist cell as well as other targets:

🔺In Shejaiya, troops struck Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror targets used for conducting warfare and located large amounts of weapons. 

🔺IDF troops destroyed a launch post and eliminated a terrorist cell that attacked our forces with mortar shells.

🔺IDF troops identified and eliminated a terrorist launching rockets in Khan Yunis.

🔺Overnight, IDF naval troops struck Hamas terror targets and continued to support IDF ground troops in Gaza.

The developments occurred as Israel announced a major shift in the war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. RedState’s Jeff Charles:

The Israel Defense Force (IDF) will be withdrawing a substantial number of troops from the region as the fight against the terrorist group continues.
Reports vary on the reason for the decrease of troops in the region.

The changing strategy is apparently due to economic damage suffered from the war and also pressure from the Biden administration to soften operations:

Shortly after the war started, Israel called some 300,000 reservists into service, many of whom are now fighting in Gaza. That move has had serious implications for Israel’s economy, with many businesses forced to shut down or reduce operations after losing much of their workforce.
The Associated Press indicated that the move was prompted by the Biden administration pressuring Israel to de-escalate its military offensive in Gaza.

That doesn’t mean the war is close to ending, though. The Israelis are preparing for the long haul:

While the change means a shift in how Israel goes after Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said over the weekend that the war is set to last many more months.
“This will take six months at least, and involve intense mopping-up missions against the terrorists,” an Israeli official told Reuters. “No one is talking about doves of peace being flown from Shajaia.”

Pro-Hamas demonstrations continue in the United States and around the globe, with extreme protesters demanding that Israel simply lay down their arms and “free Palestine.” What these people ignore is that Israel has no choice but to remove Hamas from the planet; otherwise, they will just keep killing and attempting to destroy the Jewish state. One may agree or disagree with a tactic here or a particular airstrike there, but October 7 was so horrific that it must be responded to with extreme force.

Getting rid of commanders who played a part in the massacres is a good start, and the world is better off without people like Mismah in it.

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