Craig Hudson for The Washington Post via Getty

Hunter Biden Chaos Could ‘Ruin Things’ for His Dad’s Reelection Bid: ‘Unwelcome Distraction’

The continual news generated by Hunter Biden and his legal conflicts damages President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign with undue controversy and distractions, Democrats openly complain.

Hunter Biden’s chaos amid his father’s reelection campaign is just one more communications problem with which the president’s campaign staff must contend. Joe Biden’s age, mental fitness, and sluggish economy seemingly sunk his approval ratings to historic lows:

  • FiveThirtyEight: Biden is the least popular president in modern U.S. history.
  • CNN Poll67 percent disapprove of Biden’s economy, top 2024 issue.
  • Redfield & Wilton Strategies: A majority of Democrats are “concerned” about Biden’s ability to perform his job due to his age.

“I have a pit in my stomach about it,” a Democrat strategist who worked on Clinton’s 2016 campaign told the Messenger about the chaos surrounding Hunter Biden. “The email controversy was silly but it was made to be a distraction and it worked.”

“This Hunter story has the legs to ruin things for Biden,” the Democrat strategist added.

Democrat strategist Brad Bannon told the Messenger Joe Biden’s son is just one more challenge facing the president’s reelection campaign: “Hunter Biden isn’t the biggest political problem that his father faces but the situation is an unwelcome distraction for an embattled president burdened by concerns about the economy and age.”

“The controversy about Hunter Biden’s financial dealings might play the same role for Republicans that Hillary Clinton’s emails did in 2016,” Bannon noted.

House Oversight Ranking Member Jamie Raskin (D-MD), who is leading the Democrats’ opposition to the impeachment inquiry, refused to say whether Hunter Biden hurts Joe Biden’s campaign. “I don’t know whether or not it’s hurting him,” he said. “I hope that the American people are able to see past it.”

“They figure this is their best shot, to create a dark cloud over the Biden family and hope that that affects Joe,” he added.

Recent polling shows Americans are highly skeptical of Hunter and Joe Biden:

  • ABC News/Ipsos: A plurality of Americans are not confident about how the Justice Department handled the investigation into Hunter Biden.
  • Yahoo/YouGov: A majority of voters believe President Joe Biden committed a crime with Hunter Biden.
  • TIPP: 63 percent say Joe Biden violated FARA by assisting Hunter Biden in Ukraine deal.

Follow Wendell Husebø on “X” @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

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  1. Hunter and Joe have been selling American “Classified” and “Top” secret information to Russia and China for years……Why did a Vice President have Classified and Top secret documents laying all over the place at ALL??
    For you brain dead Democrats who say there is no evidence linking Joe Biden to payments??For that I say “BULLSHIT”. There is more then enough evidence linking Joe Biden to Hunters business dealings..Ole “quid pro quo” Biden is already on tape bragging about how he threatened another country that if they did not do what “he said” they would get no American foreign aid??Its on tape…Hunter knows that this is all going to come out in the end….Hunter and Joe Biden and a bunch of others have committed “TREASON against the United States…This will all come out and that is why the CORRUPT FBI, CIA AND THE DOJ WILL all be accomplices..

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