AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Report: Biden Flips out When Hunter Is Mentioned, Blames Self, Is Furious at Garland

According to a new report, Joe Biden is blaming himself for the legal woes of his son, thinking if he hadn’t run that this wouldn’t be happening and he’s prone to flipping out if anyone brings up the topic. 

“In private, no issue is more likely to anger or sadden President Biden than attacks on his son,” according to Axios, which describes people close to the 81-year-old president noticing that his “moods shift” when there is unpleasant news about Hunter. 
Few in the president’s inner circle “feel free to discuss Hunter’s situation with the president” over fears that it could “prompt both fury and dejection,” according to the outlet.

On top of that, the report states that Biden also now has a “strained” and “frigid” relationship with Attorney General Merrick Garland for making David Weiss a Special Counsel, only for Weiss to then pursue criminal charges against Hunter on gun and tax crimes.  

People close to the president have “fumed” at Garland for granting Weiss special counsel status to investigate Hunter and have likened the attorney general to former FBI Director James Comey, arguing that both are “obsessed with the appearance of having integrity rather than just trying to make the right decision,” according to the outlet.

This is consistent with the talking point that Hunter Biden tired to push in a wild interview with Moby, claiming that people on the right were trying to “kill” him to emotionally damage his father, “knowing that it will be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle.” 

But If Biden truly thinks this or is pushing this as a talking point to his team, it’s detached from reality given that Hunter — and Joe — got a pass for so long and that we’re still not seeing an official prosecution of anything touching FARA or the alleged foreign dealings scandal. According to the IRS whistleblowers avenues of investigation that might have touched upon that regarding Joe Biden were shut down.

However, it is typical of Joe to get furious any time his belief system or the spin he puts out there is challenged, especially when it comes to anything related to Hunter. 

We saw how during the 2020 campaign, he flipped out at a voter and called him “fat” when he was asked about his son. 

Then more recently, we saw how Biden flipped out when confronted with a question about the number of times he’d had contact with his brother and his son’s business associates. 

So it’s very easy to believe that he’s flipping out behind the scenes when the subject comes up because he hasn’t been able to control himself even in public when it comes to the subject, particularly when it touches on his involvement as well. 

But it’s only going to get worse as the cases and the impeachment inquiry proceed. 

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