
Debbie Dingell Blows Hole in Emerging Democrat Narrative on Pro-Hamas Activists’ Attack on DNC HQ

To anyone familiar with leftist strong-arming tactics, Wednesday’s “protest” turned hostage-holding attempt by aggressive pro-Hamas protesters who barricaded the entrances and exits to the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. was no surprise.

We’ve seen these scenarios play out countless times over the years, most recently with the Tennessee “transurrection” as well as the ceasefire mob’s invasion of the U.S. Capitol complex in October as antisemitic Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) incited them in a speech just steps away, which some Republican lawmakers dubbed an “insurrection.” 

(READ: Anti-Israel Protesters Disrupt Senate Committee Considering Ambassador Nominee to the Jewish State)

But there’s a narrative emerging from DNC leadership in the aftermath of the DNC HQ incident that revolves around the spin that while the protest wasn’t peaceful it wasn’t violent, either.

Before we get to Dingell’s remarks, take a look at the language used by House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) and other House Democrat leaders in response to the ceasefire radicals deliberately trapping members of Congress in the building (bolded emphasis added):

Last night, Members of the House Democratic Caucus, hardworking staffers and dozens of guests from throughout the country were participating in an event inside the Democratic National Committee building when some protesters escalated their activity in a manner that exceeded a peaceful demonstration. 

There was also this curious part from Rep. Hillary Scholten’s (D-Mich.) statement:

“Demonstrations such as this one—in which police orders to leave private property were ignored, Members of Congress were blocked from exiting, and six police officers were injured—cannot be classified as peaceful.”

This is kinda like saying the actions of a driver who deliberately exceeds the speed limit by 40-50 mph and loses control of the vehicle were done “in a manner that exceeded safe driving.” A massive understatement, to say the least.

We all saw what happened Wednesday. To merely boil it down to “exceeding” what they would classify as a “peaceful demonstration” doesn’t quite cut it.  I mean this was violent, mafia-like behavior, essentially saying to the lawmakers that you can’t leave until you meet our demands. 

And thanks to the two-tiered system of justice we have in America, we know good and danged well how they’d be classifying this had it been Republican protesters barring the way in and out at DNC HQ.

In the midst of Democrat leaders glossing over the events of Wednesday night, however, Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) is showing that she’s not willing to play along, telling The Detroit News that what happened scared her more than the Capitol riot:

“This rattled me more than January 6th (attack) did,” Dingell told The Detroit News. “I was scared. Someone is going to get hurt at one of these things. They can get out of control.”

As The Jewish Insider observed, that’s pretty significant coming from Dingell considering her accounting of what she heard and saw on Jan. 6, 2021:

Dingell’s comments are particularly striking given that she was on the floor of the House when rioters breached the Capitol on Jan. 6 and has said that she heard gunshots and pounding on the doors of the House chamber, and smelled tear gas as she was evacuated. 

It’s admirable that Dingell, for a change, didn’t fall in line with the narrative being carefully crafted by Democrats and their media allies as to what happened at DNC HQ this week. But unfortunately, because so few on the Democrat side are willing to call out their side when they resort to using violent tactics – as we saw throughout the summer of “peaceful protests” during the George Floyd riots in 2020, they will keep happening and are likely to get much worse. As my colleague Bonchie so succinctly put it:

Ultimately, this is why the left-wing violence that is plaguing the nation isn’t going to stop. There’s no deterrent. Law enforcement officials and the justice system are hopelessly biased. Whether they are being forced to by political leaders or not isn’t relevant anymore. If they won’t speak up at this point, they are culpable. 


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