
Danica Roem Becomes First Transgender Elected to State Senate in South

Danica Roem (D-VA) won a Virginia State Senate seat Tuesday, the first openly transgender candidate to win a senate seat in the South.

Roem, 39, defeated Bill Woolf, a former Fairfax County police detective endorsed by Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA).

Woolf had vowed to ban transgender athletes from competing on school sports teams if elected.

Roem’s victory was a significant part of a big night for Virginia Democrats, which saw them hold the Senate and capture the House of Delegates. The night’s results were a stinging blow to Youngkin, who invested significant personal and political capital in races across the commonwealth.

Roem made history in 2017 when elected to the Virginia House of Delegates, becoming the nation’s first openly transgender state lawmaker.

Roem made his identity as a transgender person a cornerstone of his campaign.

“For the last six years, I’ve focused on serving my constituents and our community, no matter what they look like, where they come from, how they worship if they do, or who they love,” Roem tweeted Tuesday night after his victory.

Roem won with 51.5 percent of votes cast. The northern Virginia Senate District 30 contains most of Alexandria.

Follow Bradley Jaye on Twitter at @BradleyAJaye.


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  1. Way to go Virginia. What were you thinking? You put a Transgender in your Senate. This will come back to “Bite” you , unless you like seeing this life style taught to your children. Your’re sending this Great country to Hell!

  2. Looks like there are still a lot of brainless imbeciles in Virginia. By the way, where are the muslims who don’t want any part of these homoweirdos around when you need them?

  3. Why would people vote for a candidate who is so mentally compromised that he/she doesn’t know the differences between male and female? How is the office holder expected to be able to make rational decisions about running a city, state, or country?

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