Julio Rosas/Townhall

Massive Pro-Palestine Protests Rage Through the U.S. This Weekend

Massive pro-Palestine protests erupted across the United States since the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel that left more than 1,400 dead. 

This weekend alone, thousands of anti-Israel protestors stormed cities spewing antisemitism amid Israel’s war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

At least 7,000 protestors rushed to the Brooklyn Bridge, halting traffic and cheering on the barbaric attacks Israel has endured for the past four weeks. 

Demonstrators held signs that read, “By any means necessary” and “NYC stands with Gaza,” while waving Palestinian flags. 


“Israel (U.S.) murdered 7,028 civilians, 2,913 children, [and] 1,709 women,” other signs read, including “Great job everyone.”

The crowd chanted “Free Palestine” and “F*** Israel, Justice to Palestine” as they applauded the onslaught on Israeli citizens. 

One protestor told the New York Post that he believes “the settler state of Israel must be taken down.” Another accused Israelis of being the actual “killers,” defending Hamas’ heinous acts. 

In addition, hundreds of pro-Palestine protestors staged a sit-in at Grand Central Station in New York City, causing demonstrators to clash with police officers. 

Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Chicago also saw protestors in support of Palestine where demonstrators shut down roads and highways. 

The protests come after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Saturday that Israel Defense Forces (IDF) will expand its ground operations into Gaza. 

He said that Israeli citizens have no option but to “survive or die” as the country fights for its life against Hamas’s gruesome attacks. 


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  1. These idiots supporting the murdering , baby killing savages need to get their eyes off their telephones and open them to reality. Israeli’s do not cut the heads off babies , do not kill children , do not murder innocent civilians . Israeli’s try to live peacefully with others. the followers of allah ( just another name for satan ) and the ignorant mo-the-ham are a total; disgrace to humanity. Protesting self-defense is total stupidity and just shows how rotten American colleges have become for kissing the rectums of the demonrat party.
    I thank all the illegal multiple voters and all the dead voters who elected Joey the crook.We have a government of stupidity and schools of garbage.

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