
Joe Biden Condemns Hate in His Speech to America, but Does Not Condemn Democrat Rashida Tlaib

Just a short time ago this Thursday evening, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, addressed the nation from the Oval Office and laid out the case for why we must support Israel and Ukraine. He had his usual repeating phrases to make an impact and his usual sleepy gaze as he read a speech that we can assume he had no hand in writing. For Joe, it was actually a speech that went better than expected.

Seriously, I’m not kidding.

My colleague Bob Hoge has some of the details right here NEW: Biden Delivers Oval Office Speech, Wants $100 Billion for Israel and Ukraine.

A snippet of his post…

President Biden delivered a speech to the nation from the Oval Office Thursday evening after returning from Israel in the aftermath of the Hamas terror attacks on October 7. He said he’s going to ask Congress to appropriate $100 billion in new funding to combat Hamas and continue to aid Ukraine in its war against Russia. Reportedly, he wants $60 billion more for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel.
“American leadership is what holds the world together. American alliances are what keep us – America – safe. American values are what make us a partner that other nations want to work with,” he said. “To put all that at risk if we walk away from Ukraine, we turn our backs on Israel – it’s just not worth it.”

I know at this point in the Biden Presidency, the White House West Wing crew will be hitting the bars right after this speech, being there was no awkward stare or mumbling gaffe that they must spin tonight into tomorrow. So they feel like they won, and they will be back at it tomorrow for cleanup in Aisle 5 and a new day.

Yet for all the happy talk or serious musings that America stands for eliminating hate and other people around the world should take our example, Joe Biden—or quite frankly the person who wrote his speech—conveniently forgot to mention the one person who seems to be a little bit upset lately and has been spewing hate. Not surprisingly, she is a member of his own party.

Rashida Tlaib.

If you don’t recall, just days ago the happy-go-lucky congressperson from Michigan said this about the President of the United States, someone who is a member of her own party to boot. 

My colleague Bonchie wrote this: WATCH: Rashida Tlaib Threatens Joe Biden, Accuses Him of Genocide 

From that article…

While that was happening, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) launched into an unhinged rant outside of the building in which she again blamed Israel for the supposed bombing of a hospital in Gaza on Tuesday. Evidence, including video and intelligence intercepts, has since proven that a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket fell short and struck the hospital’s parking lot. Despite claims of 500 dead, it is now believed that a few dozen people perished in the resulting fire. 

Tlaib went radio-silent after spreading the Jewish blood libel and ignored questions from reporters the next morning. 

At this rally, though, she let loose, threatening President Joe Biden and doubling down on her lies. 

TLAIB: And to my president, to our president, yes he’s still our, well, hold on. Hey, I want him to know, as a Palestinian-American, as also someone of Muslim faith, I’m not going to forget this. And I think a lot of people are not gonna forget this. It’s not, it’s not, it’s not a threat, it isn’t. They think we’re joking. I mean, I think the White House and everyone thinks that we’re just going sit back and let this just continue to happen. 

No, the fact of the matter is, our lives are not safe with you or the former impeached president. When are we gonna feel safe, when are we gonna stop funding, continuing, literally oppression of indigenous communities? When are we gonna say enough? It makes me so angry to have to say, I’m telling you, I’m talking to people that literally are like me. They literally live in this party that was supposed to be inclusive of all of our opinions and our views and our political stances and all of these things, but what is really starting to get really, really, really clear and very loud is that somehow, many of us in this room because of our political opinions, because maybe our faith is a certain faith, maybe because our ethnicity is a certain ethnicity, that somehow we’re subhuman.

Holy moley and super yikes.

Real quick, I’m going to touch on this probably tomorrow, but I’m probably one of the few people in the world who doesn’t want her censored when she goes off like this. I want everyone who feels this off-center to be able to speak their minds so we know who they are and steer clear of them.

Having said that, President Biden, the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and his writers can wax eloquently all day long about eliminating hate and saying that it needs to be stopped and we need to attack it head-on. 

All nice and very appropriate words to say.

But if you don’t have the courage to call up a member of your party and say she is wrong, who is going to follow you on any of this?

Also, what exactly is Tlaib not going to let Joe Biden forget?

That she and others got it wrong on who bombed the hospital in the Gaza Strip?

As long as Democrats continue to cower to Tlaib and others who get all huffy and puffy and have a social media following, all the lectures from the Oval Office will fall on deaf ears.

All that talk of ending hate will not end a thing but actually stir more resentment.

So congrats to the White House for prepping the boss successfully and not having a blank-out moment being they sure seem to have a lot of those over in the West Wing.

The other task of stomping out hatred in America starts in your own backyard, and if you don’t correct Rashida, that project is going nowhere.

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