
Rep. Jim Jordan Confirms Run for Speaker of the House

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is running for speaker of the House, he confirmed to Breitbart News.

The Chairman of the House Judiciary and Weaponization Committees rose to prominence as a fierce opponent of President Barack Obama and Republican Speakers John Boehner (R-OH) and Paul Ryan (R-WI).

Jordan transitioned from Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) primary irritant to one of his firmest allies, leading to his ascension atop the Judiciary Committee.

He is unquestionably one of House Republicans’ most effective attack dogs against alleged corruption in the White House and within the Biden family and is one of the key figures in House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

The well-known conservative is a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus and continues to hold sway over much of the Republicans’ conservative bloc.

Jordan begins his campaign with a solid base of support from conservatives, with many stating their intentions to draft him Tuesday night after McCarthy’s ouster from the speakership.

The nine-term lawmaker is a strong fundraiser perhaps uniquely positioned as a figure who could unite the conservative wing of the party, including those who voted to end McCarthy’s speakership, with the establishment block to which he increasingly has collaborated.

As Breitbart News previously reported:

McCarthy hopes House Republicans will coalesce around a candidate before taking a vote on the floor. Breitbart News is told the House tentatively plans to continue its recess and meet as a conference Tuesday, October 10. for a Speaker candidate forum, with the possibility of voting as a conference and then on the floor Wednesday, October 11.

Follow Bradley Jaye on Twitter at @BradleyAJaye.


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  1. Jim Jordan would make an excellent Speaker. I wanted him the last time around.
    He is a man of integrity. we need a conservative as Speaker, not a go along Republican.

  2. Good choice if successful. I read elsewhere that folks want Newt Gingrich to be next Speaker. What about age limits. He may also not work out after all this time.

  3. JJ is a great speaker but we need a House Speaker that’s a doer and not just talk! MTG or even Matt Gaetz are great choices! Macarthy and his followers All RHINOS!

  4. I always liked Jim Jordan and he is my choice and has my support for House Speaker. Love Donald Trump and want him for my next President.

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