
61 Alleged Antifa Thugs Indicted in Atlanta’s ‘Cop City’ Violence

A Fulton County, GA, grand jury has handed up a sweeping 100-plus page indictment of 61 alleged Antifa operatives in the coordinated campaign of violence to stop construction of “Cop City” in DeKalb County. The Georgia Attorney General’s office will prosecute the case.

The indictment lists 225 overt acts in forwarding the criminal conspiracy to stop the construction of a law enforcement training center, and it focuses on the activities of the “Network for Strong Communities” in funding violence as well as the violent acts. Incidents covered in the indictment go back to July 2020.

Most of the acts mentioned in the indictment involved Marlon Kautz, Adele Maclean and Savannah Patterson transferring money from the Network for Strong Communities to allegedly reimburse and fund those occupying the forest. The three are also accused of being involved, along with unindicted co-conspirators, with threatening and promoting violence and property damage towards companies involved in the construction of the training center.

“While the Network for Strong Communities portrays itself as a legitimate charitable social justice organization, we contend that this group is operating several bank accounts, commingling funds from various causes and raising money to establish and maintain the autonomous zone within the forest,” Carr said.

The indictment also names bail fund organizers, Kautz, Maclean and Patterson, who were arrested in May 2023 during a raid at a home on Mayson Avenue for alleged actions taken as executives with the nonprofit Network for Strong Communities, which supported the nonprofit Defend the Atlanta Forest. All three face one count of RICO and 15 counts of money laundering in the indictment.

Most of those indicted were rounded up after the March 5 attack on police officers at the construction site; see Radical Leftist Group Attacks Cops Again, Sets Construction Site in Atlanta Ablaze.

Andy Ngo has more on that crew from the Star Wars cantina that comprises the leadership of Antifa in Atlanta.

RedState covered the arrest of Jurgens earlier; see SPLC Attorney Charged With Domestic Terrorism in ‘Cop City’ Attack in Atlanta.

This indictment is significant because, as far as I know, it represents the first time any law enforcement agency has taken the threat posed by Antifa seriously. While the FBI is out raiding the homes of people who committed a misdemeanor on January 6 (Liberty Safe Confirms They Gave Feds Access Code to Gun Safe During Raid on January 6 Protester) and federal courts are imposing draconian sentences for imaginary crimes related to that protests (BREAKING: Former Proud Boys Leader Sentenced to 22 Years in Prison for Role in J6 Riot), Antifa was allowed to carry out nightly attacks on federal buildings, particularly in Portland.

In this case, the Attorney General took charge of the prosecution after progressive prosecutor Sherry Boston, who works very much in the tradition of George Soros-bought prosecutors across the country, refused to indict rioters on serious charges.

Zack Smith, a legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies and co-author of the book “Rogue Prosecutors: How Radical Soros Lawyers Are Destroying America’s Communities,” condemned Boston as part of the soft-on-crime movement revealed by his book. (The Daily Signal is The Heritage Foundation’s news outlet.)

“Unfortunately, Sherry Boston is part of the Soros-backed, soft-on-crime, rogue prosecutor movement,” Smith told The Daily Signal. “Rather than aggressively prosecuting crimes, she has bought into the radical policies pushed by this movement and has partnered with radical organizations such as the misnamed Fair and Just Prosecution to push policies that benefit criminals and harm victims.”

Not only has the Georgia AG gone after the foot soldiers, he’s gone after the money that funds them.

If these prosecutions are successful, it will be the first step in shutting down violent criminal organizations in those states where the existence of those organizations is not part of the government’s policy.


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