AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Fani Willis’ Mugshot Plot Backfires Spectacularly as Trump Rakes In Huge Fundraising Numbers

I don’t get the folks on the left. They still haven’t seemed to learn their lesson when it comes to former President Donald Trump. He keeps getting targeted by Democratic prosecutors, and every time they drop another indictment on him, he goes up in the polls. So if they thought they were going to make him look bad with a mugshot, they should have known better. They should have known it wasn’t going to have the effect that they would like.

Instead of Trump being humiliated, it’s already become an iconic picture, with Trump’s refusal to look cowed. It also has to be one of the best-looking mugshots ever taken. Government pictures like passports and mugshots usually look like hell. But frankly, the mugshot looked like it had perfect lighting for Trump as well. The picture is also acting as a rallying cry against the weaponization of the government against political opponents. Trump broke the internet when he came back to Twitter for the first time after he was banned two years ago and posted a picture of the mugshot with the captions “Election interference” and “Never surrender” to add to the determined look and the link to the campaign fundraising website. That post has so far garnered more than 243 million views. Talk about effective branding and advertising to get your point across and direct people to your site — this is it. Trump flipped the script on them.

Now the word is in that just since Trump’s booking on Thursday evening, he’s already raised $7.1 million. On Friday alone, Trump raked in $4.18 million, making it the most in a day in his campaign so far. Part of that was fueled by people buying merchandise from the website. That included all kinds of products with the fierce mugshot on it, including t-shirts, posters, bumper stickers, and mugs.

The campaign has also raked in almost $20 million in the past three weeks, according to the report. Organic money has just “skyrocketed.” the campaign said.

Donald Trump Jr. was also selling mugshot merchandise for his father’s legal defense fund.

Supporters like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga) posted pictures of themselves with the mugshot logo or posted pictures of the mugshot as their profile, to rally support for Trump.

Could there be any bigger mistake than what Democrats have done here? It’s pretty hilarious that their obsession to get Trump and shame him has helped to get millions to the Trump campaign, that they’ve fed the campaign and the legal defense of the man they so despise.

This is likely to continue to backfire on the Democrats. Some on the left wanted a scalp. But they may find the “scalp” they got wasn’t Donald Trump, but it’s their chances in the election, as they do get more and more frantic over not knocking Trump out of the election and make more and more desperate moves. When people see what they believe is blatant targeting it only drives more people away from Biden and toward the side that wants to bring us back to justice and the rule of law, not the rule of the banana republic.

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