
More Damning Video Drops About Hunter Biden and Air Force Two Usage

Joe Biden is in Lake Tahoe on his umpteenth vacation. His son, Hunter, is there with him, although as we previously reported, they didn’t have him fly on Air Force One. He flew commercial and arrived there before Joe. Perhaps they thought that people then wouldn’t know he was on this vacation, but no such luck, it came out anyway.

How many times has he been vacationing with Joe lately as the family business scandal starts to encircle them? He also had two trips to Camp David with Joe. I’m sure they’re not discussing anything about the scandal because they never talk business.

However, before this, Joe would have had no problem taking Hunter aboard on Air Force One and Air Force Two, although sometimes, as we’ve also reported, he would reportedly go down the back stairs so he wouldn’t be spotted getting off the plane from the main staircase with his father. Then people might ask more questions about why he was there.

This was the norm, and we previously wrote about how Hunter went on at least eight Air Force Two flights with Joe including trips that involved Hunter talking about or doing business.

But there were even more than that.  According to Fox, he “tagged along to at least 13 different countries” with then-VP Joe Biden, even “proposing setting up business calls or meetings while he was on those trips.

Jesse Watters — whose team was looking into the matter — said it was at least 15 at this point as they went through their records. He said that came from emails on the laptop, Secret Service records, and videos.

Those trips included a trip to Croatia in 2015 “mixing Joe Biden’s business with pleasure,” and Kosovo (with a picture of Hunter looking like he’s throwing a tantrum). Watters said they were looking into what business might have done in Kosovo. Watters showed an email from Hunter to one of Hunter’s business associates, Vuk Jeremic in August 2016,  Hunter is arranging to meet with him and even invites him to come with him in the motorcade to the airport.  But sure, that’s not influence peddling. That must just be talking about the weather.

We’ve reported about Vuk Jeremic before. He was a CEFC consultant, a former Serbian foreign minister, and ex-president of the UN Nations General Assembly.

Hunter also was there when Biden went to Canada in 2010. We’ve already mentioned the trips to China, Japan, South Korea, and Italy. In addition to the questions about business, this also raises questions, beyond whether he was doing business, about Joe Biden constantly giving his family free trips to all these places on our dime.

Watters said that Hunter requested Secret Service protection in Egypt, South Africa, and Kenya — on the same dates his father flew there on Air Force Two in 2010.

So how can Democrats possibly defend this? To drive the point home, Watters interviewed a “former mobster” about what he did that was allegedly similar and he spoke about all the shell companies he had, similar to what has been alleged about the Bidens. Michael Franzese said that based on his experience, he thought it was a “slam dunk indictment,” based on everything that has been adduced so far. He said if all this had applied to him, he would have “been indicted long ago.”

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