
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Promptly Slammed for Allocating $1 Million to Free Health Care for Prostitutes

Prostitutes, sex workers, escorts, hookers, or whatever term one chooses, I’m not sure if the left is moving more toward legalizing prostitution, labeling sex workers as victims, or both, but I do know that New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has allotted $1 million in taxpayer funds to provide healthcare services to prostitutes.

The New York State Department of Health has awarded the $1 million combined over two years to two contractors to fund primary health care, sexual and behavioral health care, and dental care to workers in “the world’s oldest profession,” as part of the state’s new “sex worker health pilot program.”

Critics have slammed the plan, which some say encourages vice, as part of a move to decriminalize prostitution in New York. Moreover, Hochul is launching the taxpayer-funded program without the approval of the New York State Legislature. How Joe Biden-ish of the embattled Democrat governor.

Republican Assemblyman Sam Pirozzolo (Staten Island) is among those blasting Hochul and her plan.

What are they going to have, a prostitution card? This is a 100 percent step in the direction to decriminalize prostitution.

Pirozzolo added that goal should be to discourage rather than encourage prostitution.

Au contraire suggested a Department of Health spokesperson, who said in a statement to The New York Post:

The Health Department remains committed to providing affirming, compassionate support and quality services to all residents without stigma and discrimination. Access to comprehensive sexual health services improves the quality of life for everyone.

Individuals participating in this program often experience discrimination, violence, and threats to their emotional well-being. They are more vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections, yet lack access to quality routine screening.

Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, torched Hochul over her disastrous soft-on-crime policies and the state’s homelessness crisis, then adding:

Now she wants the taxpayers to fund health care for street prostitutes, the likely outcome of which will be to destroy the quality of life for New Yorkers. This policy will act like a magnet for more prostitutes, and will undoubtedly attract a host of new deviants to work with them.

And no one in his right mind believes this will be a ‘pilot program’ — this is just the beginning. It doesn’t get more irresponsible than this.

Spot-on observation from Mr. Dohohue. Once the Democrat toothpaste is out of the tube, it’s out to stay — and promptly followed by a never-ending flow of taxpayer-funded paste.

One of the two organizations awarded the funds, Callen-Lorde — which endorses the decriminalization of prostitution — describes itself on its website as  one of the “global leaders in LGBTQ+ health care.”

Callen-Lorde firmly and without reservation supports the health, rights, and dignity of sex workers. We are opposed to laws that disproportionately regulate and criminalize bodily autonomy, sexuality, and sexual and reproductive health and rights. We support the total decriminalization of sex work as an important step to protect and respect the human rights of all sex workers.

Fine and dandy — but, as I mentioned, earlier, Hochul put the plan in place without the approval of the state legislature, much less the taxpayers of New York, so with all due respect, Callen-Lordes’s “we” is a limited “we,” at best.

Drs. Uri Belkind and Aruna Krishnakumar, who are involved with adolescent health at the organization, said in a statement:

New York State once again sets itself apart from other states that are waging misinformation wars against the transgender community and ignoring scientific evidence to hurt transgender adolescents and their families, as well as attacking the doctor-patient relationship.

“Misinformation wars” and “ignoring scientific evidence”? How narrow-minded and incorrect. Via Forbes:

Increasingly, European nations are adopting a more cautious approach to gender-affirming care among minors. In March, for example, the Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board announced it would revise its current clinical recommendations with respect to “gender-affirming care” for minors.

The updated guidelines would restrict the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and transition-related surgery to clinical research settings. Norway joins other European nations, such as Finland, Sweden, and the U.K., in introducing limits on the provision of gender-affirming care to minors.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden condemns “hysterical” and “ugly” opposition to so-called “gender-affirming care,” which includes irreversible mutilation of children’s bodies, including double mastectomies, hysterectomies, and castrations.

It’s wrong that extreme officials are pushing hateful bills targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalizing doctors. These are our kids. These are our neighbors. It’s cruel and callous.

Delusion is one thing; obscene immorality is another, Joe.

Coincidentally, in addition to Kathy Hochul’s “sex worker health pilot program,” the embattled governor is also planning a two-year pilot program to boost New York’s “care” of transgender patients.


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