
Texas Introduces Bill to Audit 13 Most Populous Counties

As I’m sure you know by now, election audits have become all the rage in recent months and weeks, particularly in battleground states where now-President Joe Biden won. Maricopa County, Arizona, is finishing up their forensic audit as we speak, and states like Georgia and Pennsylvania have made significant pushes in recent days to begin their own.

For many, the assumption is that such audits will not only prove that Trump’s allegations about massive voter fraud are accurate but also just might lead the way for the entire election to be overturned and Donald Trump reinstated as our rightful president. That, apparently, is also why Democrats are so fearful and opposed to the audits taking place in states where they have won.

But what about in states that Trump won and are, for the most part, Republican-led?

Texas, for instance, has just put forward a bill to have a full forensic audit done for its 13 most populous counties.

Naturally, many have questioned the need for such, considering both Trump’s narrow win of 52.1 percent in the state and the man leading the audit proposal, GOP Texas State Representative Steve Toth’s own race would then be investigated.

However, for Toth and several others, the point is not change anything about the election results, as some might assume. Instead, it’s merely to root out any possible fraud.

In a recent news release about the proposed bill, Toth said, “We need a forensic audit to uncover all the voter fraud.”

He explained that in District 15 in South Montgomery County, which Toth represents, the concern is not that the wrong person won the elections. Instead, it’s that the 2020 general election wasn’t as secure as it could have/should have been, and that needs to be fixed.

Those concerns, and similar ones from elsewhere in the state, led to the proposal of state election integrity laws, known as the Texas Voter Confidence Act. But as you likely know by now, Texas Democrats are playing hardball, doing everything possible, including throwing a temper tantrum and fleeing the state to temporarily prevent the measure from being voted on.

And so, since state Democrats aren’t willing to secure future elections at the moment, Toth is pushing an in-depth audit of the past election, which will include “both Republican and Democrat strongholds,” according to the news release.

As The Texas Tribune reports, the proposed audit would request an “independent third party” to thoroughly investigate all ballots in the 13 counties starting November 1, 2021, and hopefully ending no later than February 1, 2022. According to the Montgomery County Gazette, this would include the 273,098 votes cast in Montgomery County, where Toth was elected to represent the people.

As KVUE-TV reports, there have been 154 individuals charged with 534 voter fraud offenses since 2004 in the state. Toth is hoping that if any more cases happened in 2020, the audit would expose them.

As Montgomery County Judge and supporter of the proposed audit Mark Keough says, the bill is “timely and necessary with a view to exposing any instance of fraud in the 2020 election and reassuring Texas voters that their votes were accurately counted.”

And if those votes weren’t accurately counted, the audit will show just how such mistakes happened and lead legislators to ways that future Texas elections can be improved upon, adding to the security and confidence of our election process.

Then again, if state Democrats don’t like the idea of making our elections more secure, they probably won’t like the possibility of an audit. If I were a betting girl, I’d say I see yet another walkout in their future.

Why? Well, that’s the real kicker, isn’t it?

You’d think they wouldn’t mind an audit in a state where their opponent narrowly won. I mean, it might lead to the surprising revelation that Trump didn’t win if the belief that everyone hates Trump is right…

I know it’s not likely in a state such as Texas, but it was worth a shot.

Then again, you’d also think that the upholders of democracy would want fair and just elections, as their party’s name implies. But we all know that’s just wishful thinking on our part…

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