
NYC School Charges to Teach Antiracist Curriculum

A New York City private school seems to be confused as to what they can and cannot charge tuition for. Rather than providing students with an elite education as parents have paid for, the school has chosen to focus on an “antiracism” curriculum.

Additionally, the school has decided to advocate for Black Lives Matter so much so that they pressure families to become advocates of the movement or face being labeled as racist.

One parent has pulled his child from an all-girls school in Manhattan where he pays $54,000 a year in tuition. The parent, Andrew Gutmann, has explained that The Brearley School has made a number of changes over the past year that he and other parents don’t agree with.

The school has created what Gutmann refers to as a pressure campaign so that parents actively participate in Black Lives Matter activism. For the families who don’t get fully involved, it leads to “consequences.”

Gutmann wrote in a blog in April that one of the lessons that the school has managed to teach is that “Blacks should forever be regarded as helpless victims, and are incapable of success regardless of their skills, talents, or hard work.” Further, he believes that the school has been teaching young girls to judge everyone by skin color as opposed to their accomplishments.

A father at Brearley pulled his daughter out of the school and sent this absolute barn-burner of a letter to every family in the school. Is the dam starting to break?

— Bari Weiss (@bariweiss) April 16, 2021

The school has essentially been trying to recruit for the BLM movement by requesting that students and parents alike participate in the activism. Gutmann explains that there was no room for disagreeing with the movement. Those who chose not to participate would be at risk of being called a racist – which he felt was wrong.

Gutmann isn’t the only parent disgusted by what The Brearley School is doing. Several parents have spoken out about the curriculum and the “required” activism for months now.

The school has decided that they want to run with an antiracism principle. If you’re not racist, prove it. The only way to prove it, however, is by participating in the BLM movement. Further, for those who stay silent, they are also marked as being racist.

This is the new liberal agenda. It’s no longer enough to simply treat all humans the same. Now, if you’re not actively getting involved in an “antiracist” movement, you’re part of the problem.

The Critical Race Theory is something that liberals have been pushing for a while now. They believe that America is fundamentally racist. In order to overcome racism, the only way to operate is by viewing every social interaction and person in terms of their race.

It’s all messed up. Racism is now only affecting people of color. And, in order to avoid being racist, you have to judge every social interaction and person by skin color. What?

And, what’s worse is that the parents of students at this elite Manhattan school are being forced to pay an impressive tuition in order to have their children brainwashed with the Critical Race Theory.

Gutmann has been extremely outspoken about the problem at the private school, saying that the only way to truly understand the Critical Race Theory is to be an activist. And for those who aren’t choosing to participate in the activism, “you are racist, you are a bad person, you are an oppressor…”

That’s a lot of money being spent to be told that you’re inherently bad. Parents who are not as actively involved in their child’s education as Gutmann is spending over $50,000 for their children to be taught that they’re either racist or that they’re part of the problem – and must spend every waking minute figuring out how to judge a person by their skin color in order to account for racism in America.

Every liberal who believes that the country is rooted in systemic racism is part of the problem. Private schools like the one in Manhattan are part of the problem. We cannot teach racism as the solution to antiracism – and parents most certainly shouldn’t have to pay for this kind of brainwashing curriculum.

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