
Pelosi on CA Using Tax Dollars to Help Illegals Buy Homes: Have to Make Home Ownership ‘Available to All’ 

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” House Speaker Emerita Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said that while she’s not familiar with the details of California’s legislation to allow illegal immigrants to get taxpayer assistance for buying homes, “making the American Dream of home ownership available to all people is something we have to do for people who are here now” and she wants to move illegal immigrants “to documented.” But ultimately, the issue is up to the states.

Host Bill Maher asked, “The California lawmakers just passed a law — it hasn’t been signed by Gov. Newsom (D) — but giving government assistance to undocumented immigrants to buy houses. That’s kind of a different place than the Democratic Party used to be on immigration, is it not? I’m not going to say that’s what the country’s going to do, but that’s certainly where California is.”

Pelosi responded, “Well, let me just say, immigration had always been a bipartisan issue.”

Maher cut in to say, “But not free housing.”

Pelosi responded, “Well, it’s not free housing, it’s the American Dream being available to more people.” After talking about past immigration statements from Republicans, Pelosi said, “California’s always in the lead, maybe others will follow that lead, but that’s up to those states. But we’re very blessed here with beautiful diversity of our –.”

Maher then cut in to follow up, “So, you’d vote for this law?”

Pelosi answered, “I’m not familiar with exactly what that is, but making the American Dream of home ownership available to all people is something we have to do for people who are here now –.”

Maher cut in to say “This is for the undocumented.”

Pelosi answered, “Well, what I would like to do is move them to documented.”

Pelosi kept speaking, but got drowned out by applause from the audience. Once it died down, she stated, “One of the best things that we can do for our economy is to pass comprehensive immigration reform, so that all of these people are participating more fully in our economy, contributing to it, contributing to Social Security, contributing in every way to it. So, the attitude that we have in California of openness is something we share, whether that translates into particular policy one place or another is up to that region.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

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  1. Once again showing the Democrats are using TAX DOLLARS to buy votes and this is most reprehensible use of it. There are CITIZENS that work hard to be able to purchase homes and YET, the DEMOCRATS are using their tax dollars to BUY HOMES for ILLEGALS.

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