AP Photo/Matt Rourke

The Media Propped Up Obama in 2008 Without Substance – They’re Doing It Again With Harris

Barack Obama, now near Christ-like within the Democrat Party, was little more than “hope and change” when he announced his 2008 presidential candidacy. The dutiful liberal media immediately glommed onto the young senator without substance and eagerly began to elevate him to deity status. 

As Yogi Berra would say, it’s déjà vu all over again; they’re doing the same thing with Kamala Harris.

Where Obama was all about “hopey, changey stuff,” as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin would later say, Kamala Harris is all about “joy.” A “joyful warrior,” as it were.

Any rational, freedom-loving, patriotic American who has paid a modicum of attention to the damage wrought on both America’s citizenry and this country’s standing in the world knows damn well that “joy” is the last word to describe the last three and a half years of the Biden-Harris administration.

Related Reading:

Trump Drops a Great Troll on Kamala That Exposes Her Biggest Problem

Flying Pigs Alert: CNN Host Says Trump ‘Probably Wins’ If He Sticks to Policy

‘She Doesn’t Need to Negotiate Against Herself’: Democrats Beg Harris to Hide Radical Agenda Before November

To make matters worse (for the Democrats), as of this article, it’s been something like 35 days since Harris has done a formal news conference — before she ascended, without a single delegate, to the presidential nomination of her party. So much for “democracy” in the Democrat Party, huh?

New York Post writer Michael Goodwin noted that the similarities between Obama in 2008 and Harris in 2024 are “striking.”

Sickening, isn’t it?

Harris is fond of declaring, “On day one, I’ll…”

Memo to Kamala: You have been in the office of the vice presidency for more than three and a half years. What have you done — specifically? I’ll wait. Got nothin’, Kamala? That’s what I thought.

As for the media putting lipstick on a pig — OK, let’s go in a different direction. As for trying to turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse — oh, never mind, you get my point. Anyway, Goodwin blistered the media’s treatment of Princess Kamala, mightily, saying, “This isn’t journalism.”

Exactly, as I suggested earlier. The “On day one” shtick is getting just as tiresome as the whole “joyful warrior” nonsense, concocted by Kamala’s cheerleaders on CNN, MSNBC, The nauseating “The View,” and elsewhere.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is this: There are only two possible explanations why Harris continues to refuse to reveal details of her planned policies or subject herself to a formal news conference. 

Either she doesn’t have details to share — but, hey, give her a break: All of that “happy warrior” work is tiresome! — or she doesn’t want voters to know what those details are. 

I’m going to go out on a safe limb and bet it’s the second reason.

Related Reading: 

Here Are 5 Trillion Reasons Harris, the Democrats Don’t Want You to Know the Details of Her Policies

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party expect tens of millions of voters to show up at the polls and blindly support the “joyful warrior,” no questions asked. And guess what? They will do just that.

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