AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Biden’s Full Interview With Lester Holt Is Released, and It Should Worry Everyone

Joe Biden sat down for another pre-taped interview with a friendly face, this time speaking to Lester Holt of NBC News. As RedState reported, some of the clips were released earlier on Monday, showing the president giving a less-than-optimal response to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. 

WATCH: Joe Biden Is Asked About His Inciteful ‘Bullseye’ Comment, and His Answer Doesn’t Cut It

With the rest of the interview now out, several more problems were exposed. For one, despite a gunman nearly blowing a former president’s head off, Biden is completely unaware of who his director of the Secret Service is. 

HOLT: Is it acceptable that you still have not heard, at least publicly, from the Secret Service director?
BIDEN: Oh, I’ve heard from him. I’ve…(inaudible)
HOLT: Have you heard from her publicly? 
BIDEN: Publicly, I’ve sat down in the situation room downstairs, the Secret Service, the FBI, the National Security agencies, the Homeland Security, all the major elements. 

Putting aside that a meeting in the situation room is not “public,” which was the entire premise of Holt’s question and something he reiterated twice, Joe Biden’s Secret Service director is a woman. The president calling her “him” should not be brushed off as a simple mistake. Rather, it’s par for the course for a guy who has routinely forgotten who various officials are serving under him, including his cabinet members. The fact that Biden does not know who heads his own Secret Service should worry everyone. 

The question is obvious: If the president is this aloof, who is really running the White House? One would be forgiven for assuming Jill Biden, given reports that she and her top adviser were behind the appointment of Kimberly Cheatle to lead the Secret Service. 

SEE: Jill Biden Orchestrated Kimberly Cheatle Heading the Secret Service, and Everyone Is Doubling Down

With that said, the other thing that stood out during the interview was just how easily angered Biden was. It’s apparent that he has completely lost the ability to control his emotions.

HOLT: The question is, are you all on the same page? Are you seeing what they saw? Which are moments, frankly, where you appeared to be confused. 
BIDEN: Lester, look. Why don’t you guys ever talk about the 18 to 28 lies he told? Where are you on this? Why doesn’t the press ever talk about this? 28 times it was confirmed he lied in that debate. I had a bad, bad, night. I wasn’t feeling well at all. And I had been, without (inaudible stammering), I screwed up. But I…
HOLT: The reason…I just ask the question because the idea that you may or may not have seen what some of these other folks have seen, you’re not on the same…
BIDEN: I’d have to see, I was there! I didn’t have to see it, I was there! And by the way, seriously, but why doesn’t the press talk about all the lies have told? I haven’t heard anything about that.
HOLT: We have reported about many of the issues that came up during that debate.
BIDEN: No you haven’t! No you haven’t. God love ya. 
HOLT: Okay.  

Admitting that he didn’t watch the most disastrous performance of his entire career (and that’s saying something) to figure out what went wrong is a strategy, I guess. It’s also the inaction of a man who no longer inhabits reality with the rest of us. Biden truly believes the entire world, including a mostly compliant press, is simply out to get him. He can’t fathom that he is the creator of his current situation, which is why he continually and angrily tries to deflect during that exchange. 

I’ll point out that NBC News did release a fact-check addressing some things Trump said during the debate. Biden’s claim that they nor any other press entity attacked the former president post-debate is simply delusional. 

Moving on, the president’s anger didn’t subside throughout the interview. Even as Holt was trying to cordially end it, Biden again started railing. 

HOLT: Mr. President, it’s always good to talk to you, good to see you. Thank you for making some time for us.
BIDEN: Sometimes come and talk to me about what we should be talking about! Okay, the issues. 
HOLT: Alright, always happy to talk.

Biden’s handlers can’t trust him in public at this point. To the extent that they control the White House, they do not control the president’s emotions, and one of the hallmarks of senility is an inability to hold back one’s anger when inappropriate and unhelpful. That interview was a disaster piled on top of a series of disasters. It made Biden look defensive and weak, probably because he is those things. I sincerely doubt that will help him turn around his flailing campaign.

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