AP Photo/Nasser Nasser

Cal State LA Protesters Seize Building With President and Employees Trapped Inside

Cal State Los Angeles protesters have been occupying an area of the campus for more than a month, agitating over the war in Gaza. 

But on Wednesday, they escalated their actions immensely when they seized the Student Services building with employees, including the president of the university, stuck still inside. 

They then began to vandalize the building, spraying graffiti about “Palestine,” erecting barricades so people couldn’t get into the building, and chaining themselves to the front of it. They piled up furniture, overturned golf carts, tables, and even copy machines to make barriers in front of the building and the surrounding plaza.

This is insane.

Meanwhile, other employees were told to leave. 

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So where are the police, one might ask, and how has this been allowed to go on so long? 

Now, there are reports on X that the protesters have left the building, and the police have moved in. The damage looks extensive from videos being posted on X. You can see the doors are open, the building cleared out, and police inside in this thread posted by a videographer.

We’ll keep you updated as more news develops, but is anyone going to be held accountable for any of this insanity? 

I wouldn’t bet on it. 



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