Amy Sussman/Getty Images

Watch: Anti-Israel Students Walk Out of Duke University Commencement to Protest Jerry Seinfeld

Students at Duke University’s commencement walked out of the ceremony on Sunday in protest of comedian Jerry Seinfeld, who was set to receive an honorary degree, with some students booing the comedian and shouting “Free Free Palestine.”

Jerry Seinfeld has publicly supported Israel in the months since the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks. Video footage from Sunday’s ceremony posted to social media shows groups of students standing up and leaving in protest — with some of them carrying the Palestinian flag.

Watch below:

Jerry Seinfeld stated his support for Israel in the days following the October 7 attacks, writing on social media, “I will always stand with Israel and the Jewish people.”

The comedian traveled to Israel in December as a show of support, both for the country in its battle against Hamas and those families who have suffered at the hands of the terrorist group.

As Breitbart News reported, the comedian’s wife, Jessica, recently donated $5,000 to a pro-Israel rally that counter protested a pro-Palestinian demonstration at UCLA.

The walkout on Sunday at Duke is the latest example of surging anti-Israel sentiment on elite college campuses, with students taking over buildings and common areas in protest of the war in the Middle East. In some cases, some students have even praised Hamas, ignoring the terrorist organization’s well-documented mistreatment of Palestinians.

Elite universities around the country have seen anti-Israel protests, including Columbia, Harvard, Yale, the University of Pennsylvania, UCLA, NYU, and more.

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  1. We can only hope that these silly students will do some growing up before they get into positions of responsibility. The outlook is not good.

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