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‘Do Not Travel’: U.S. Strongly Warns Against Visiting Haiti Due to Violent Crime and Civil Unrest

U.S. officials are again issuing strong warnings for people not to travel to Haiti as the Caribbean country suffers from violent crime and gang activity.

In a travel advisory on Wednesday, the U.S. Department of State designated Haiti as a “Level 4: Do Not Travel” and said the country has been under a state of emergency since March.

The advisory continued:

The agency also noted the airport in Port-au-Prince often experiences armed activity that includes robberies and carjackings.

“The U.S. government is very limited in its ability to help U.S. citizens in Haiti. Local police and other first responders often lack the resources to respond to emergencies or serious crime,” the advisory read, adding there is commonly a shortage of gasoline, electricity, medicine, and medical supplies.

On April 30, Haiti’s transitional council dubbed former senate president Edgard Gardy Leblanc Fils as temporary president of the nation and also named former youth minister Fritz Belizaire as interim prime minister, Breitbart News reported.

The leaders are supposed to hold their offices until early 2026 “when the security situation in Haiti will hopefully have been stabilized enough to hold nationwide elections,” the outlet continued:

In July, France 24 reported that in Port-au-Prince almost three million residents were suffering as the gang war raged.

“The crisis continues despite the arrival of the first Kenyan police officers as part of a UN-backed multinational force to stem the violence,” the outlet said:

Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker’s (R) daughter and son-in-law were killed by gangs in Haiti as they were doing mission work there, Breitbart News reported in May.

To read more articles about Haiti, click here.

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