Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty

Political Ad Shared by Lara Trump Urges ‘Independence’ for Those Struggling from TDS

A political ad, spoofing a commercial for a prescription medication, is offering “independence” to those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), which will result in the “freedom to finally think independently once again.”

“Are you or your loved ones suffering from illnesses such as TDS, also known as Trump Derangement Syndrome? Do you dismiss or deny the current issues facing our country, such as historic inflation, illegal immigration, corporate corruption, World War III escalations, and the chronic disease epidemic?” the narrator in the ad, which seemingly originated with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign, said, asking listeners if they are actually willing to “elect someone who was the least popular vice president in modern history and who offers no policy or vision for America, simply because your brain keeps telling you anyone but Trump.”

If so, there is a diagnosis — TDS — as well as an answer.

“Introducing ‘independence.’ Independence allows you the freedom to finally think independently once again, instead of believing everything you hear from the mainstream media,” the narrator said, adding that independence “allows for constructive, critical thinking.”

The voiceover then went to another individual who said she used to “hear people on the news” bash Trump and his followers, asserting they were a threat to a democracy.

“I instantly believed it. With independence, I now realize the media is run by the Democrat elite, who are a corrupt oligarchy that censors free speech, silences political opponents, supports forever wars and abandons democracy by anointing its candidates,” the individual said before the narrator cut back in, spoofing a typical pharmaceutical commercial by noting that “independence” may not be for everyone.

“Independence may not be for everyone. If you enjoy being lied to about your president’s cognitive abilities, support Orwellian totalitarianism or are excited about communist fiscal policy, independence may not be right for you,” she said before listing common side effects including “awakening of rational thought, successfully identifying propaganda, freedom of choice, loss of hatred, anti-narcissistic behavior, and love of democracy.” Notably, when the video narrator said “freedom of choice,” it showed a clip of RFK Jr. and former President Donald Trump standing together at their Arizona rally. It later featured another brief clip of RFK Jr. standing at the podium at that Trump rally.

“Ask your doctor of independence is right for you and enjoy your freedoms once again,” the narrator added.

“It’s never too late to admit you have a problem & change your mind to help save America ,” Lara Trump said, sharing the video on social media:

The video comes one week after RFK Jr. suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed Trump.

“I left the party to run as an independent. The mainstream of American politics and journalism derided my decision,” RFK Jr. said during his announcement, unleashing on the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

“And, most sadly — at all, for me, for the Democratic Party — in the name of saving Democracy, the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it, lacking confidence in its candidate, that its candidate could win in a fair election at the voting booth,” he said, ultimately putting his support behind the former president.

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