AP Photo/Adam Lau, File

Could They Be More Based? In-N-Out Ponies Up $500K to Support the Prop 36/Reform Prop 47 Cause

One thing I do miss about California is In-N-Out. That iconic Double-Double is just perfect for someone whose diet is nearly carnivore, and the fact that you can customize the burger (four-by-four, animal and protein style, baby!), makes it even more accessible to specialty diets. Not to mention, their shake machines have never been broken. While they are planning an expansion to Tennessee in 2026 (we live near the Tennessee border), it’s still a long ways away. So, I lament.  

I also love In-N-Out because I enjoy supporting companies that stand for liberty and Christian values. In-N-Out paid their employees above minimum wage before the unions and the leftists in Sacramento decided it needed to be a thing. During the COVID madness, when California Governor Gavin Newsom was dining out at the French Laundry yet condemning the people of California and businesses to lockdowns, social distancing, and vaccine passports, In-N-Out essentially told him to go pound sand. When Hair Gel’s native enclave of San Francisco demanded people show their vaccine papers before entering restaurants, In-N-Out simply closed their dining room, stood firm, and had this to say.


As California Republican Rep. Kevin Kiley noted, for the first time in its 75-year history,  In-N-Out had to close a restaurant near the Oakland airport because of the rampant crime that plagues California. It had previously existed at that location for more than 18 years. This is Newsom’s California. 

So, In-N-Out stood by its values and its calls for reform by throwing its considerable influence behind the reform Prop 47 ballot measure, now titled Prop 36:

On Friday, In-N-Out also put their money where their mouth is, and contributed half a million dollars to the California for Safer Communities “Yes on Prop 36” campaign. The Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act has been a lightning rod issue for California citizens and businesses, and after a hard-fought, grassroots campaign and opposition from Gov. Newsom and his minions in the California legislature, they are finally able to vote in November to reform Prop 47. Funding the campaign will pay for advertisements, mailers, and other means to get the word out to vote “YES” on the measure. Sorely needed, as the opposing factions are still trying to tank it by spreading disinformation:

This is yet another reason for Californians, Arizonians, Texans, and Nevadans to visit their local In-N-Out and thank them for their good food and great stand on values and freedom. While most of the California companies that have been victimized by this crime wave still support ridiculous WOKE initiatives and DEI measures (looking at you, Target), In-N-Out is actually taking a stand for civil liberties, customer service, and the protection of its employees. 

The stupid left has tried to mount boycotts of In-N-Out, but they never succeed. Like the other openly Christian values fast-food chain Chick-fil-A is often known as, “The Lord’s Chicken,” nobody is giving up on, “The Lord’s Burgers,” even if they don’t agree with the stands In-N-Out takes. Rightly so, as those burgers are just that good. Order a Double-Double, animal style, and tell them As the Girl Turns sent you.

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