AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File

Electric Vehicle Sales Slump to Just a Quarter of New Purchases

Sales of electric vehicles (EVs) are defying the combined urging of green lobbyists and government diktat with just a quarter making up new purchases for 2023, UK data reveals.

The consumer rejection of EVs is a challenge to the electric car market and government goals to move towards net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Figures sourced by the MailOnline revealed individuals bought 71,984 of the vehicles last year – 23 percent of the total of 314,687. But in 2022 they purchased 88,910 – 33 percent of the total.

According to the latest industry data from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, subdued growth is driven by private buyers as against other sales attributed almost entirely to large fleet registrations.

While the number of car registrations across all fuel types grew 14.3 percent last month, it seems interest in EVs is dying.

Consumer resistance to EVs is not just restricted to the UK market.

As Breitbart News reported, EVs are “piling up on dealer lots” across America as consumers continue buying traditional gas-powered cars at faster rates.

RELATED: YIKES! Elite Pete Buttigieg GRILLED Over Unaffordable Cost of EVs


Despite major investments from the federal government and automakers into EVs, Americans are just not warming to President Joe Biden’s green energy agenda the way the administration and the industry had predicted.

Aside from a lack of electric charging stations and consumer nervousness over reliability, the unit cost of EVs coupled with rapid depreciation remain among the prime reasons consumers are giving for sticking to petrol-powered cars.

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