
‘She Has Failed’: 106 House Republicans Attempt to Defund Vice President Kamala Harris’s Office

House Republicans attempted to defund Vice President Kamala Harris’s (D) office on Wednesday but were unsuccessful.

Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA) proposed an amendment to the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act to cut funding; however, most Republicans and all Democrats were against it, Business Insider reported.

The amendment failed in a 106-322 vote, the outlet said.

When Collins introduced the amendment, he stated:

My amendment prohibits any funding from being used by the office of the vice president for salaries and other expenses. Kamala Harris has been a failure as vice president. From her inability to manage her team effectively, leading to high turnover, to her disastrous job as border czar where she has failed to secure anything.The Biden-Harris far-left border policies are to blame for this crisis. And what has this border czar done about it? Nothing. The only thing our vice president has succeeded at is failing us.

In a social media post on Wednesday, Collins blasted Harris’s leadership and explained his end goal.

“I’m sure you’ll be shocked, but I just had to debate a Republican on the House floor who was defending funding the Office of the Vice President,” he wrote.

“I argued Kamala Harris sucks at securing our border and, therefore, shouldn’t be paid. If my amendment passes, her office will be defunded,” Collins concluded:

In March, Harris appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and seemed unable or unwilling to define the vice president’s role, according to Breitbart News.

The outlet noted:

As Breitbart News reported, a poll last year [2022] found that Vice President Kamala Harris’s approval rating has sunk 18 net points lower than President Joe Biden’s. Only 28 percent approve of Harris, while 62 percent disapprove. In contrast, Joe Biden’s approval rating is 39 percent with 55 percent disapproving.

More recently, President Joe Biden (D) announced in September that Harris would head up the new federal Office of Gun Violence Prevention, Breitbart News reported.

“However, Harris’s leadership on key policy issues such as gun control, artificial intelligence, and the migrant crisis has either been fraught with gaffes or has produced no substantive change,” the article said.

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