
Nikki Haley Rips Both Parties for Rampant Spending, Says ‘Biden Has Pushed Us Into Socialism Light’

More budget woes are on the horizon, and lawmakers must agree on a spending deal by September 30 to avoid a government shutdown.

Former South Carolina governor and current GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley Haley appeared on “Face the Nation” on CBS Sunday to rip both political parties for rampant spending, adding that Biden’s policies were “socialism light”:

You know, Biden has pushed us into socialism light. He’s spending on every single thing and they’ve forgotten the role of government. Government was intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people. It was never meant to be all things to all people. 

So as we go into this, I have said that Biden has spent already $5 trillion in his term, but Republicans have spent too.

Haley is also concerned by our aging leadership class and by elderly politicians who cling on to power even after their decline has become obvious. She points to 80-year-old President Biden, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (81), Rep. Nancy Pelosi (83), and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (90) as examples of those who have overstayed their welcome.

Last week, she made waves by calling the Senate “the most privileged nursing home in the country” after McConnell had a second “freeze-up” episode.

Haley pushed for term limits and mental competency tests:

I am completely for term limits. I’m completely for mental competency tests for anyone over the age of 75. And I’m not saying that to be disrespectful. Here you have Mitch McConnell, who’s done great service to the country. You have Dianne Feinstein who had a great career. You’ve got Nancy Pelosi, who’s been there a long time. 

At what point do they get it’s time to leave? 


Haley called for a younger generation to ascend to power:

They need to let a younger generation take over. We want to go and start working for our kids to make sure we have a strong national security, to make sure we have a stronger economic policy, to make sure that America is safe. And we can’t do that if these individuals refuse to give up power. 

This is not just a Republican or Democrat problem. This is a congressional problem. And they’ve got to know when to leave it, it’s time to pass this down to a new generation of conservative leaders that want to take our country to a better place.

Last Sunday, Haley also made news on the Sunday talk shows by saying that a vote for Joe Biden in ’24 is basically a vote for Kamala Harris because if Biden is reelected, he would be unlikely to be able to serve out his term.

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