
Winsome Sears Says She ‘Could Not Support’ Trump 2024 Candidacy

Virginia’s Republican Lt. Governor, Winsome Sears, appearing said Thursday during an appearance on Fox Business that she “could not support” Donald Trump should he decide to run for the White House in 2024.

Speaking to Neil Cavuto, Sears noted a few good things Trump did, especially for black Americans, then said that a true leader should recognize “that it’s time to step off the stage.”

“His administration, when it came to the economy, helped us, because black unemployment was the lowest it had ever been historically, and then, of course, when it came to education he forgave his administration the loans that historically black colleges and universities had owed that they could never repay, and, by the way, provided a permanent funding stream. And then safety. Forced NATO to bring their fair share, only 2 percent of their GDP.

“But when we look at the mission — and as a Marine, we’re looking at the mission. And, you know, the voters have spoken, and they have said that they want a different leader. And a true leader understands when they have become a liability. A true leader understands that it’s time to step off the stage. And the voters have given us that very clear message. Because this is about America.”

Cavuto asked if her words specifically applied to Donald Trump and the Republican party, and she replied:

“Yes. A house divided against itself cannot stand, and indeed, that’s where we are today. And, as I’ve said before, America is the prize. Why do we want to win elections? It’s because we’ve got to learn to love each other, live together, govern together, and the voters are saying, enough is enough.”

As a follow-up, Cavuto asked what she would think if Trump makes a speech on November 15 declaring that he will be running in 2024, as many have predicted. Her reply:

“I could not support him. I just couldn’t.”

Reaction has been swift and harsh on social media, with Trump supporters attacking Sears for this opinion. If we are going to elect more Republicans and take the White House in 2024, we’ve got to get past completely dismissing any conservative who has a difference of opinion on some issues. Sears has more experience in leadership than many weighing in on the issue, and makes a great point about the prize being America, and that we’re where we are today because we are a house divided.

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  1. So, Trump showed us a brighter future and led the way to a better America – even with the constant stone-walling by the Left – and now some want to cut the life-line to that better life?! He may not always be genteel and diplomatic, but he had a tough job to do and he was successful at it. He exposed the “Swamp” that is working against America and it’s the swamp that is doing their damnedest to hold on to their own power. I doubt there is another person so strong who can go up against the swamp. We still need him until the swamp is drained, and we owe Trump our thanks and gratitude.

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