Over the years Glenn Beck has been reporting some news breaking, earth-shattering, but now he makes the claim this is the most terrifying story he has ever had to report.
We’ll have to agree, this one takes the cake! Over the years we’ve all heard the phrase “we’re just one generation away from…” you fill in the blank. Now it seems as though we’re here and it’s not just one generation away anymore.
We’ve arrived, and no, not in a good way. While some of us were trying to keep our head above water with all the current new variants due to the pandemic and such, over In California, they are now requiring our children to complete some of the most disturbing curriculum ever encountered to receive their high school Diploma.
National Review has stated that the curriculum is “probably the most radical, polemical, and ideologically loaded educational document ever offered up for public consideration in the free world.” Let’s be honest, National Review is not where you go to find a conservative opinion on, well…anything. So if they’re making statements like this, it speaks volumes.
Beck read an excerpt from the National Review report describing the curriculum:
Students are to be taught that white Christian settlers committed “genocide” against indigenous tribes when they arrived in the New World by murdering Native American gods and replacing them with the Christian God. According to the curriculum, this replacement ushered in a regime defined by “coloniality, dehumanization, and genocide,” and the “explicit erasure and replacement of holistic Indigeneity and humanity.” But all is not lost, we are told. For students will learn that they have the power and the responsibility to build a social order defined by “counter genocide,” which will eventually supplant the last vestiges of colonial Christianity and pave the way for the “regeneration of indigenous epistemic and cultural futurity.”
Students are supposed to clap first then follow it with a chant to the god Tezkatlipoka (which the Aztecs supposedly worshipped with cannibalism and human sacrifices) then they are supposed to ask for the power to be warriors for social justice. Then the students are forced to chant to gods Quetzalcoatl, Xipe Totek, and Huitzilopochtli seeking healing epistemologies and a revolutionary spirit.
During the Aztec rule, Huitzilopochtli was the Aztec deity of war and was the inspiration for hundreds of thousands of human sacrifices. As the chant peaks, they are instructed to request liberation, decolonization, and transformation then to Shout, Panache beh! Several times trying to pursue ultimate critical consciousness.
Beck then described in detail, many of the horrifying characteristics of Aztec traditions in which they worship. Including but not limited to cannibalism, sacrifice, and torture of children and the sacrifice of humans by the tens of thousands.
The Board of Education in California thinks these are the gods that need to be worshipped and these sacrifices need to be reestablished because the white Christianity is so oppressive we just can’t tolerate it anymore.
Beck ended, confirming that we are in biblical-sized trouble here in the United States now. Going on to say that we are under attack, unlike anything he’s seen in his short 57 years here. Maybe some of us just want to go home to our bubbles, lock the door, turn on Netflix and “ostrich” for just a little while longer, it seems we’ve run out of time, and perhaps we’ve been ostriching for far too long.
Just maybe that’s why we’ve arrived. Here.
We need to remember now more than ever, it’s not about what we can acquire in the short time God has left us here on this earth. We may need to ask ourselves, what will we leave behind? Hopefully, it’s not children we gave over to the government while we were trying to find ourselves.
Yet some of what that curriculum teaches ain’t so far from actually what happened. From what I have learned in my 69 years on earth, we did in fact commit “genocide” against some of the indigenous tribes when our forefathers arrived in the New World by murdering Native American gods and replacing them with the Christian God. According to the curriculum, this replacement ushered in a regime defined by “coloniality, dehumanization, and genocide,” and the “explicit erasure and replacement of holistic Indigeneity and humanity.” Is that in fact, not what happened? Didn’t we subjugate the tribes by outright stealing or cheating out of their tribal lands, though of course there were no deeds filed, no boundary lines laid out, but wasn’t there some understanding laid down by the various tribes (who weren’t all peace-loving pacifists) as to who controlled what? Yet Beck is correct in one aspect, the left always pushes their narrative too damned far, they want to erase, overnight, all the wrongs and give back everything which was taken, even tho the present-day occupants of these lands, took no part in any wrongdoings against the natives. We have gone a long way, just exactly like we did/are doing with blacks, in redressing so many of the wrongs committed against them, so that from here on out, seems to me, we should teach children the truth but teach also the prevailing wisdom of the times and that our forefathers were not always wicked, cheating, backstabbing racists who stole everything they had!